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What we have vs. What we demand...

Open borders vs. Secure borders

Inflation vs. Common sense fiscal policy

 Weak and feckless foreign policy vs. Peace through strength

Racist and woke leaders vs. Fearless and most capable Military

Education mafia and Teachers' unions vs. Parents in control 

America Last vs. America First

Why are we engaged citizens so concerned for our beloved Republic?

It’s not just about fellowship…
We’re here because we know in our hearts there’s something very wrong with our
country — something’s rotten — it’s purposefully disruptive, something much deeper
than just misplaced American politics.
We’re also here because we believe America’s worth fighting for, and that —
TOGETHER — WE can make a difference right here in Virginia…

What has happened to America?
A planned and calamitous convergence of events: open borders — rigged elections, a two-tiered justice system — weak and feckless foreign policy — human trafficking — attacks on religious freedom, morality, privacy, freedom of speech, our Second Amendment, and parental rights — the highest inflation in 40 years — progressive nationalization of healthcare and education — uncontrolled federal spending — intrusive overreach of federal executive and regulatory power — war drums in Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia
— and a globalist push for a New World Order. The list goes on…

By all appearances, all three branches of our Constitutional Republic are failing — or
have failed. I
t’s as if there were some concerted effort underway to weaken and destroy our Republic, using George Orwell’s “1984” and Paul Harvey’s “If I Were the Devil” as the playbook. This isn’t just politics. It’s the intentional destruction of America as part of a perverse global scheme. It’s literally a battle of good versus evil...

Remarks on The America First Caucus by Robert Presler,  CAPT USN (R) Principle Coordinator, TAFC_VA

History is pointing to an America First Caucus

"The United States of America finds itself at a juncture which even two decades ago we could hardly imagine. The pervasive lawlessness, the evident application of a two tiered justice system, the blatant and undeniable persecutions by the Party in power of its political opponents, mainly one President Donald J Trump, all stand glaring at those of us informed patriots who love God, our families and our country demanding our attention, our actions and our immediate intervention in rectifying the course of the greatest nation that God has blessed the world with.

America is a covenanted nation, it needs to shake off the evil doers and re-route itself to stand, head high, reflecting light where there is darkness thus fulfilling the blessed role that our God and our Founding fathers have envisioned."


Remarks on the America First Caucus by Lin-Dai Kendall, American by choice, God-fearing, America-loving patriot.

Why An America First Caucus is So Urgent

"The primary need for TAFC is to elect America First candidates as President, to the Senate, and as Congressman Representatives in Virginia in 2024.  Regrettably too many Republican leaders appear to work against America First voters.  Many RPV leaders and committees chairs do have skills and knowledge to win.  They encourage candidates to enlist 'approved' consultants.  In 2023 we note that candidates did not respond to lies and damn lies from Democrats and their handmaidens in the media. This was on purpose.  The election data analysis and support operation is very weak and barely operational.  There is little or no support for local candidates.  They use communications venders that charge candidate exorbitant rates and discourage use of alternative email, text, SM, AI supported Geofence marketing, etc.


So we have decided to use the arcane and purposely obtuse and ever-changing leadership election rules to elect  America First leaders who can lead, manage, and inspire volunteers and voters . These include leadership from the RPV to the 132 units.  Many of our current leaders are good Republicans and are America First.  However, the majority at the Central Committee are not.   So we aim to shift the RPV to an America First organization that is agile, hard-charging operation that will apply modern marketing and communications and data operations and will fight to win instead of losing with grace."


Remarks on The America First Caucus by Jeff Fuller, LTC USA SF (R), Operations Coordinator

Flyer Primary POTUSE w disclamer_edited_edited.jpg

MARCH, 2024 -5-8 pm


5250 Port Royal Rd, Springfield, VA 22151-2117

Republican Party Elections — Prefile dates are determined by individual County Committees

  • Culpeper County GOP Canvas (Larry Green elected)

  • Spotsylvania County GOP Convention (Jordan Lynch re-elected)

  • Prince William County GOP Convention (Jacob Alderman elected)

16 Mar Loudoun County GOP Convention

23 Mar Goochland County GOP Convention 6 Apr Fairfax County GOP Convention

 6 Apr Fauquier County GOP Convention

13 Apr Clark County GOP Convention

23 Mar 7th CD Convention 11 Apr 8th CD Convention

20 Apr 11th CD Convention

27 Apr 10th CD Convention 27 Apr 2nd, 5th CD Conventions

4 May 1st, 3rd, 4th CD conventions

11 May 6th CD Convention

18 May. 9th CD Convention

31 May/1 Jun RPV Convention (Hampton)

Presidential and Congressional Elections

19 Jan Early voting for Presidential Primary

12 Feb Last day to register for Presidential Primary

23 Feb Last day to request an absentee ballot by mail

 5 Mar Presidential Primary 3 May Early voting for Congressional Primaries

28 May Last day to register for Congressional Primary 7 Jun Last day to request an absentee ballot by mail

18 Jun Congressional Primary

18-20 Jul RNC Convention in Milwaukee

20 Sep Early voting for General election

15 Oct Last day to register for General election

25 Oct Last day to request an absentee ballot by mail

5 Nov General election

Take the first  steps to restore America!

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The America First Caucus 


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